(English)On Tuesday 10th January 2023, EXTC featuring XTC’S TERRY CHAMBERS will be gigging at TAKUTAKU in Kyoto.😄 (japanese)2023 年 1 月 10 日火曜日、EXTC featuring XTC’S テリー・チェンバースが京都のライブハウス磔磔でギグを行うんやぁ 藁
(English)TERRY CHAMBERS is the first gig in Kyoto in 44 years. (japanese)TERRY CHAMBERSは44年ぶりの京都公演。
(English)44 years ago, I was able to go see a gig at Kyoto Seibu Auditorium. (japanese)44年前に京都西武講堂でライブを観に行くことがでけた。
(English)A scrap of the page of the 1979 Japan tour of the magazine Ongaku Senka. (japanese)1979年の日本公演、雑誌『音楽専科』からのページ切り抜き。
(English)However, at this time, the time when the member change occurred. From Barry Andrews to Dave Gregory, there was hesitation in the change of sound. (japanese)しかし、この時、メンバーチェンジが発生した時期。 バリー・アンドリュースからデイブ・グレゴリー、音の変化には迷いが有ったんやけどね〜。
(English)I was still a kid (14 years old).This was my first opportunity to see foreign artists, so I decided to go. (japanese)まだガキ(当時14歳)だった。海外のアーティストを見る機会は初めてだったので、行ってみようと思ったんやんか。
(English)As a result, a good gig was identified.😄 (japanese)その結果、良いギグが確認でけたと 藁
(English)This visit to Japan is not with the original members but with a tribute band, but it is an opportunity to hear past songs live. (japanese)今回の来日は、オリジナルメンバーではなく、トリビュートバンドでの来日やけど、過去の楽曲を生で聴くことができる機会やんかぁ〜。
(English)Unlike 44 years ago, I have a work schedule.😅 (japanese)44年前と違って、仕事の予定があるしなぁー。😅
(English)Doors open at 5:30 pm. Start time 6:30 pm. (japanese)開場時間が午後5:30 。。。開演時間が午後6:30。。。
(English)Probably an hour late even if I could get there. (japanese)行けたとしても1時間くらいは遅れそうやんけ。
(English)Depending on the order of the bands performing together, you may not be able to see them at all. (japanese)共演するバンドの順番によっては、まったく観られない場合もあるんちゃうん。
(English)For the first time in 44 years, I am hesitant to purchase tickets. (japanese)44年ぶりにチケット購入を躊躇しとるちゅ〜ねん。
(English)Tickets for a gig that cost ¥3,000.jpy 44 years ago now cost ¥7,800.jpy. (japanese)44年前に3,000円だったライブのチケットが、今では7,800円になっとるやんけ。
(English)Might be sold out while I’m wondering. (japanese)迷っている間に売り切れになるかもなぁ。
(English)I don’t know.😆 (japanese)知らんけど www
(English)Advance tickets are now on sale at VINYL JAPAN stores, TAKUTAU, and e-plus.Hurry up if you want to see it. (japanese)前売券はVINYL JAPAN店頭と会場で有る磔磔、及びイープラスで販売中。観たい人は急げ。
(English)*This time, it took me twice as long to write the blog post because I used a translation tool.😄 (japanese)今回、翻訳ツールを使用したのでブログの記事を書くのに倍の時間を要したよっと 藁
(English)The concert 44 years ago was to celebrate the release of this album. (japanese)44年前の公演はこのアルバムの発売記念だった。。。
Stained glass windows keep the cold outside while the hypocrites hide inside
With the lies of statues in their minds, where the Christian religion made them blind
Where they hide, a pray to the God of a bitch spelled backwards is dog
Not for one race, one creed, one world
But for money
Do you pray to the Holy Ghost when you suck your host?
Do you read who’s dead in the Irish Post?
Do you give away the cash you can’t afford?
On bended knees and pray to lord?
Fat pig priest
Sanctimonious smiles
He takes the money, you take the lies
This is religion and Jesus Christ
This is religion, cheaply priced
This is bibles full of libel
This is sin in eternal hymn
This is what they’ve done
This is your religion
The apostles were eleven
Now there’s a sod in Heaven
This is religion
There’s a liar on the altar
The sermon never falter
This is religion
Your religion